Arrestation d’un citoyen sahraoui comme otage
Lettre d’information ASVDH
El-Ayoune – Sahara Occidental
Dimanche 08 juillet 2007
El-Ayoune – Sahara Occidental
Dimanche 08 juillet 2007
Arrestation d’un citoyen sahraoui comme otage
La police marocaine a violé la maison du citoyen sahraoui, Mr. Beidi Ould Salama SAH, avant-hier 06 juillet 2007 à 23 h GMT. Les agents de la police marocaine a arrêté Mr. Beidi, après avoir agressé sa mère Mme. Nhabouha Ment Aram et sa fille Aghleila. Ce citoyen sahraoui a été arrêté comme otage jusqu’à ce que son fils Nafaai se rende à la police. Mais la police a été contrainte de libéré ce citoyens suite au regroupement d’un grand nombre des citoyens sahraouis devant le centre de la police judicaire, samedi 07 juillet 2007, pour réclamer sa libération.
Nous rappelons que la police marocaine avait mis la maison de ce citoyen, qui se trouve au quartier Lahouhoum à El-Ayoune, sous surveillance dans le but d’arrêter son fils. Nous rappelons également que Mr. Beidi est un homme âgé de plus de 50 ans.
Par ailleurs, l’asvdh a été informé que les détenus politiques sahraouis incarcéré à Tiznit (Maroc) ont entamé une grève illimité de la faim pour protester contre les conditions inhumaines de leur détention et pour réclamer le respect de leurs droits en tant que détenus politiques.
A cet égard nous rappelons que ces détenus avaient auparavant entamé une grève illimitée qu’ils ont arrêtée lorsque la direction pénitentiaire leur avait promis de répondre à leurs proclamations. Ces détenus ont repris leur grève suite au refus de la direction pénitentiaire de respecter ses engagements et les droits de ces détenus.
De même, les étudiants sahraouis, incarcérés à la prison locale de Salé, continuent de mener leur grève de la faim illimitée depuis le 10 juin 2007, et leur état de santé devient alarmant. La direction pénitentiaire continue sa négligence à l’état de santé de ses grévistes et refuse de répondre à leurs revendications.
La mort du détenu sahraoui, Mr. Dada Ali Ould Hamma Ould Nafaa, le 06 juillet 2007, à Agadir, suite aux conditions inhumaines de sa détention, est une raison suffisante pour que l’asvdh reste préoccupée par la situation des détenus sahraouis dans les prisons marocaines.
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English Newsletter
El-Ayoune - Western Sahara
Sunday July 8, 2007
Arrest of a Sahrawi citizen as hostage
The Moroccan police force violated the house of the Sahrawi citizen, Mr. Beidi Ould Salama SAH, the day before yesterday July 6, 2007 at 23 H GMT. The Moroccan policemen arrested Mr. Beidi, after having attacked his mother Mrs. Nhabouha Ment Aram and his daughter Aghleila. This Sahrawi citizen was arrested as hostage so as his son Nafaai son goes to the police force. But the Moroccan police was forced of released this citizens following the regrouping of a great number of the Sahrawi citizens in front of the judicial police station, Saturday July 7, 2007, to claim his release.
We recall that the Moroccan police force had put the house of this citizen, which is with the Lahouhoum district in El-Ayoune, under monitoring with an aim of stopping his son. We also point out that Mr. Beidi is an old man of more than 50 years.
In addition, the asvdh was informed that the Sahrawi political prisoners imprisoned with Tiznit (Morocco) started an unlimited hunger strike to protest against the inhuman conditions of their detention and to claim the respect of their rights as political prisoners.
In this respect we point out that these prisoners had started before an unlimited strike which they stopped when the penitentiary direction had promised them to answer their proclamations. These prisoners started again their strike following the refusal of the penitentiary direction to respect its engagements and the rights of these prisoners.
In the same way, the Sahrawi students, imprisoned with the local prison of Salé, continue to carry out their unlimited hunger strike since June 10, 2007, and their health becomes alarming. The penitentiary direction continues its negligence to the health of these strikers and refuses to answer their claims.
The death of the Sahrawi prisoner, Mr. Dada Ali Ould Hamma Ould Nafaa, on July 6, 2007, in Agadir, following the inhuman conditions of his detention, is a sufficient reason so that the asvdh remains worried by the situation of the Sahrawi prisoners in the Moroccan prisons.
El-Ayoune - Western Sahara
Sunday July 8, 2007
Arrest of a Sahrawi citizen as hostage
The Moroccan police force violated the house of the Sahrawi citizen, Mr. Beidi Ould Salama SAH, the day before yesterday July 6, 2007 at 23 H GMT. The Moroccan policemen arrested Mr. Beidi, after having attacked his mother Mrs. Nhabouha Ment Aram and his daughter Aghleila. This Sahrawi citizen was arrested as hostage so as his son Nafaai son goes to the police force. But the Moroccan police was forced of released this citizens following the regrouping of a great number of the Sahrawi citizens in front of the judicial police station, Saturday July 7, 2007, to claim his release.
We recall that the Moroccan police force had put the house of this citizen, which is with the Lahouhoum district in El-Ayoune, under monitoring with an aim of stopping his son. We also point out that Mr. Beidi is an old man of more than 50 years.
In addition, the asvdh was informed that the Sahrawi political prisoners imprisoned with Tiznit (Morocco) started an unlimited hunger strike to protest against the inhuman conditions of their detention and to claim the respect of their rights as political prisoners.
In this respect we point out that these prisoners had started before an unlimited strike which they stopped when the penitentiary direction had promised them to answer their proclamations. These prisoners started again their strike following the refusal of the penitentiary direction to respect its engagements and the rights of these prisoners.
In the same way, the Sahrawi students, imprisoned with the local prison of Salé, continue to carry out their unlimited hunger strike since June 10, 2007, and their health becomes alarming. The penitentiary direction continues its negligence to the health of these strikers and refuses to answer their claims.
The death of the Sahrawi prisoner, Mr. Dada Ali Ould Hamma Ould Nafaa, on July 6, 2007, in Agadir, following the inhuman conditions of his detention, is a sufficient reason so that the asvdh remains worried by the situation of the Sahrawi prisoners in the Moroccan prisons.
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